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12 Holzpfad
Ober-Ramstadt, HE, 64372

+49 177 295 23 19

floral and event design and school


Hello, I’m Mari

I like to be surrounded by beautiful and old things. Finding treasures or beautifully handcrafted pieces is everything! I also enjoy art exhibtions especially in London, interior design and lettering. Having people over at our house and making them feel home and taken care of fulfills me. Just like my profession does. Transforming events into those powerful moments that make people happy is very fulfilling - I have to admit.

When I’m not working I like to spend time with my husband, strolling around beautiful neighborhoods and cities, enjoying good conversations and food, making up plans of what to build next - I have the ideas and my husband “happily” executes them, such as our studio’s blue barn door. I love it!

My roots are Croatian but Germany is what I call home. Surprisingly, my name ended up being Croatian: NOSiOKO means Nose and Eye:
The Nose representing all things floral whereas the Eye refers to the beauty that enfolds when you see everything coming together but even more so it means that I want to see who you are. In order for me to create beautiful experiences I need to get to know you. It’s as simple as that.

Apart from speaking Croatian, I am fluent in English. I lived in California for a while after high school. Later at university I did an exchange year in Italy enjoying la dolce vita. My French is really rusty but enough to get around. Getting immersed in other cultures makes me thrive and speaking 4,5 languages helps me connect, especially when working internationally on destination weddings.

Evolving as an artist and learning new techniques is crucial to my prefession which is why I took classes with international floral superstars like Tulipina, Ponderosa and Thyme, Bows and Arrows, Jamie Aston as well as the Tallulah Rose Flower School.